Our Seniors 4 Seniors Program strives to match mature, senior, and special needs cockers with applicants 65+ years old at a reduced adoption rate in order to assist a match benefiting both the adopter and the cocker. Please ask for details.
Rockstar Cocker Rescue also offers a reduced adoption fee for combined/multiple dog adoptions to encourage the adoption of bonded pairs of cockers into the same home. Please ask for details.
We make sure that ALL cockers that come into rescue are seen by our veterinary specialists, and all come with the following complete: Spay/neuter, microchip, heartworm test and treatment, and current rabies and distemper vaccines. Bordetella is optional but more than 50% of our dogs do receive this due to coming from a shelter environtment. Dogs are treated with flea/tick/hw treatments as well as wormed. The majority of the intakes also are given much needed dentals, eye and ear exams which also cover cleaning and cherry eye repairs, if necessary. Everything is done to ensure a healthy and happy, adoptable cocker, and we have seen many of these expenses increase in 2021.